There's all kinds of information available to you by navigating on any of the links on the left side of this webpage; and if you would like more information, please feel free to contact our Club Manager, Sue Greenberg, at 507-365-8236. . .or send her an email at RDBCmanager@gmail.com. Congratulations to three recent Silver Life Masters at the club (that's crossing the 1,000 masterpoint line)! Colleen Stacey, Jan Morris, and Sheri French are all recent Silver Life Masters. Join us as we raise a toast to these three (and their continued good play) at the "3rd Monday Happy Hour" after the game on Monday February 17. Don't forget the opportunities to share your knowledge with advancing players. Every Monday morning is "chat bridge" (with a sign up sheet at the Church). And Tuesday the 4th is a Pro/AM game; that game is for arranged partnerships, but there's another Pro/AM game on Tuesday the 18th that includes a draw for partners. It's a great way to give back to the bridge community and encourage our advancing players. |