Welcome to the Rochester Duplicate Bridge Club!  We warmly welcome you to the table with a mix of in person, face-to-face games and stay at home, online bridge games!  The RDBC holds in-person bridge games at St. Luke's Episcopal Church (COVID vaccination no longer required, masks optional at this time, but have one ready in case a player requests you wear it while at their table).  For location and game details, click here.  Our online games during the week can be found by clicking here to see the schedule.

There's all kinds of information available to you by navigating on any of the links on the left side of this webpage; and if you would like more information, please feel free to contact our Club Manager, Sue Greenberg, at 507-365-8236. . .or send her an email at RDBCmanager@gmail.com.
March is here - the month of very wet snow and the start of springtime!  Sue has issued her latest Club Manager Newsletter, which is full of useful information (special games at the club and online, tournament information, Board minutes, upcoming classes, post-game social activities, and much more).  Click here to read the latest, and schedule your partnerships accordingly!!

The Rochester Duplicate Bridge Club, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(C)(7) organization, governed by the guidelines of the Internal Revenue Service and which is not for the profit of any person.  Organized in the state of Minnesota in 2020, the purpose of the Corporation is to operate a social club for playing bridge and promote, grow, and sustain the game of bridge and serve the bridge-related interests of our members.