Bridge players in their natural habitat These photos reproduced with the permission of the Tournament Chairs
TOPEKA KS REGIONAL June 2022 - Following the huge success in Topeka KS in late June, Topeka's Co-Chair Jan Escola-Tillery graciously shared some of her experience with the week along with some photos:
"My Co-chair and I planned a tournament with no idea as to exactly how it would turn out. We were supposed to set up on Tuesday but unfortunately there was a power outage around our hotel and ended up having to get everything set up on Wednesday morning before our 2 PM start that afternoon. We are the smallest unit in our district and only get to hold a regional every other year. We started out setting up the room for what we guesstimated would be around 300 total tables. We only had two directors one of whom had never directed in Topeka before.
Our photographer was Charlotte Adair who is one of our more recent players and had never attended a tournament before. We were afraid we wouldn't have very good results and we were surprised when we had overflowing results. We had to rearrange the room three times to add more tables and at one time we were playing out in the dining room area because we couldn't fit any more in our room. We had people from Seattle to Atlanta attending our tournament."